Monday, November 5, 2012

Announcing Our Blog Launch

Today is the launch of our blog site!  What will this blog be about?  I will be writing articles mostly of interest to those who manage or just have a website.  They will include information, tips and how-to articles that might be helpful to website owners or anyone getting ready to start a website.  There will also be articles about blogging and other social media and how it relates to your website.

Many of my article ideas were inspired by questions I am often asked by my clients.  Hopefully many more readers will benefit by incorporating these answers in our blog articles.

My goal is to write in a style that gets fairly detailed information across but in “not-too-techie” plain English.  I feel my strength is communicating in a way that someone with just decent computer skills (not a programmer or professional techie) can understand.

I plan on writing one detailed article on a regular basis with occasionally short articles in between.  Be looking for the first article shortly!

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